Our Talented Women

Ethel Borari

Ethel Borari made the first string Billum that I bought on a beach in Tufi, PNG in November 2016. It is still my favourite bag and is still as good as the day I bought it. In 2018 I met Ethel and her daughter Norma quite by chance at the Port Moresby Markets. . I showed Ethel my nylon string Billum. and she told me that she had made it! The photo is of Ethel and I on the day we found each other. Ethel and her family come from Oro Province where they make the most beautiful Billum and Tapa fabrics.

Mary Keagaimo Keamau

Mary Keamau comes from Inauaia Village in Mekeo Society Central Province, Papua New Guinea. I met Mary and her daughter in law Marie Mapai at the Port Moresby Markets in mid 2018. Mary makes the finest Billum of the best quality with beautiful intricate designs in bright colours.

Roslyn Hombunaka

Roslyn comes from Rabaul, East New Britain Province but currently lives in Port Moresby. She speaks Pidgin and local dialect and has 8 children. 3 of Roslyn's sons have graduated or are soon to graduate as lawyers from the University of Papua New Guinea. I met Roslyn's son Luke Wangi at the Legal Training Institute. Roslyn makes Billum in a gorgeous rainbow of colours. Her Billum are strong and made to the best quality.